
unstable type meaning in Chinese



  1. Oscillation of unstable type first order difference equation with continuous variable
  2. A note on classification for nonoscillatory solutions of unstable type functional differential equations
  3. Existence of unbounded positive solution for the second order neutral differential equations with unstable type
  4. Abstract : according to sidewall unstable problem during dr illing , the study on sidewall stability is developed . the paper analyses sidewall stress state and sidewall unstable type , and combines with log data and indoor e xperimental result of core . through analysis and calculation , the method of calcul ating slough formation pressure is proposed . by application of the method in 3 wells in yancheng area , result shows that slough pressure section fits in with field practical condition . it supplies some basis for design of drilling fluid d ensity

Related Words

  1. unstable atom
  2. unstable system
  3. unstable hydrocarbon
  4. unstable equilibrium
  5. unstable floor
  6. unstable margin
  7. unstable run
  8. unstable oscillations
  9. become unstable
  10. unstable body
  11. unstable time series
  12. unstable truss
  13. unstable type gravimeter
  14. unstable type of the spinal injury
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